
Monday, July 27, 2020

Vanity of Vanities

Carlos said I should sell my vanity on Facebook.  While I'd sold a couple of pieces of furniture on Next Door, I'd never tried Facebook, so I figured why not?

It's just a black vanity with a sink and faucets, so I took a picture and posted it, easy peasy.

I had over a hundred requests to buy it.  I messaged  the first person to say that it was hers, then I went about my business. When I got back from bathtub buying, I had over 100 requests to buy it, but Person #1 never came. So I went to Person #2 who promises he's coming today.

To the remaining potential buyers, I wrote "Somebody said she was coming to buy it, but if she doesn't show up, I'll change it back to Available."  I copied and pasted it 99 times!

By then, more offers were rolling in and one man begged me to sell it to him, he "really needed it and could come right away and get it" and he'd pay me twice the asking price. I texted back that I'd already promised it to somebody.

About half the requests were in Spanish.  "¿Sigue disponible?" and one added, "Me puede mandar la direccion estoy interezada."

One said, "I gotta have it right now and I will be at your house as soon as you tell me where." Another described her bathroom in detail and said how perfect it would look in there.

The first one, the one who didn't come,  later wrote me long message telling me how sorry she was for not coming but that her husband had told her the phone bill "had just came" and they couldn't afford it anymore. I'd have given it to her, but by then I'd promised it to the next person.

One was upset when I wrote that it had sold.  "I messaged you every five minute on Saturday but you didn't write me back."--as if I'd be right there on Facebook waiting all day.

Another said, " I already got up and dressed and got the truck ready to go get it LOL but that's okay."

Thus ends my foray into sales.

Next time I'll go back to my usual way of letting something go:ask around, see if anybody wants it, then put it on the curb and whoever finds it finds it.

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