
Thursday, July 23, 2020

Wrong answer, Universe!

Some people say you just have to wish or visualize--and voila, "your wish is my command" and all......

In my case, the wrong wish got cast into the wind by mistake--or maybe (she said hopefully) it just got garbled a bit on the first run.

When I got back from my window visit with Andy and Persephone at the Whataburger at 4 a.m., always a bright spot in my midnight forays, I arrived  to two furry creatures on my front deck, neither of which was remotely canine and for neither could I tick the box for lap-sitting, not in this lifetime.

Skunk was just poking around while Raccoon was trying to conjure the sweet scent left on the stones to rise up and be cake again.  (Yesterday, I'd tossed some cake into the yard for the birds and one big clump had fallen on the deck.)

I sat in the car for a while listening to NPR, opened and closed my car door to make noise, turned the headlights on and off, and finally, Raccoon scampered off.

Skunk scampered off as well, but she went under the car, stupid skunk, and when I got out of the car and ran to the front door, she ran right along with me, a blur of black and white.  I couldn't bear to look.

At least she didn't choose to spray me, though her scent lingers outside by the washing machine.

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