
Thursday, September 25, 2014

A free class from Dirty Footprints....

Here is the address for the Dirty Footprints free online art journaling class.  If, like me, you missed the first three days (we're on day four now), don't worry.  You can catch right up.

The teacher has generously provided videos and examples of how to do certain moves on the page with oil pastels and other things I've not yet tried.  Have fun!

I will begin having fun after I go to my noon appointment at the Apple Store to ask the geniuses there to extract the malware and adware that snuck into my computer and makes it one pain in the patooty to  post my blogs or check out a book at Amazon.

You have to refresh each page about a dozen times to get away from these goblins who pop up their ads and surveys, promising prizes about as valuable as a Goodwill grab bag.

Speaking of books--my friend Pam recommended a book that looks wonderful this morning.  I will order it and report on it as soon as I can get into Amazon.  It's a book by an artist/writer celebrating the beauty of every day things.  It's called The Principles of Uncertainty.

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