
Monday, April 25, 2016

Blooming Things

Our sweet friend, Joy, came today--and we walked all through the neighborhood looking at plants and trees.  Here they are in the community garden two blocks down, Carlene and Joy, the swingers:

What Joy doesn't know about trees and flowers nobody knows!
She even made her daisy necklace and earrings!

Joy brought several frames of insects and butterflies....

She  takes these collections
for her talks to elementary school children.

Did you know that there are more living organisms under
the ground than on top?

Did you know that certain chemicals (like Miracle-Grow) can
do well for your plants but kill your soil?

I didn't know that! 
Joy said, "You have to get to know every plant.
They don't all do well, even for me."

Carlene said, "Like some people?
You think they're going to be good friends and they aren't?" 
Did you know that every leaf has its own fingerprint?
That no two are alike?

Did you know that all blooming plants need food?
(I didn't--which is why my poor pomegranate tree isn't blooming this year!)
Joy only uses organic plant food--like Rose Glow....

Here they are being trees!
Joy is the big tree, Carlene is the "under-story" tree.

One reason they are standing so tall, I guess,
is that I fed them Mousse with organic eggs? 

Mousse au Citron with Fresh Strawberries.
Yield 4 servings

Make ahead tip: the lemon curd can be made a few days ahead and the cream folded in just before serving.

4 T. unsalted butter
3 large eggs
1/2 t. sea salt
2/3 cup granulated sugar
1/2/ cup fresh lemon juice
1 T. finely grated lemon zest
1 1/2 cups heavy whipping cream, whipped to stiff peaks
2 cups sliced strawberries (or any berries)

Prepare an ice bath in a large bowl and place 4-6 individual dessert bowls in the freezer to chill.

In the top of a double boiler or a large bowl set over a saucepan with 2 inches of simmering water, combine butter, eggs. salt, sugar, and lemon juice.  Use a whisk to stir constantly until the mixture becomes thick and creamy with the consistency of a soft pudding, about 5 to 6 minutes. Place curd over the prepared ice bath and stir until chilled.  Stir in lemon zest.

Gently fold the whipped cream into the chilled lemon mixture until well combined.  Spoon mousse into chilled bowls, layer with strawberries and serve.

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