
Saturday, April 2, 2016


So much sweetness came my way during my recovery days!

Mike was outside at the midnight hour of his visit, finishing the wall.  He made a roof and put two lights in it, hung two bird-feeders so they are more visible from the window, and is doing what he said he came here to do--make me happy.  I lie in bed reading, he plays music--and whenever he sees me looking, he dances a few steps solo with a big grin on his face.

Charlotte brought cakes on Wednesday--sweet, every bite, and she and Kate brought moral support.

Sharon delivered a hanging basket of beautiful pink begonias today while I was sleeping.

Pam brought yummy tortas and iced tea for dinner Thursday night.

Cecelia brought a pretty pink bouquet this afternoon and sat on my bed while Jan and the boys visited from the new deck through the open bedroom window.

I've so enjoyed and appreciated all the messages from those of you who read about my little surgery here on the blog. I'm doing well, no pain at all.

Thank you, Everybody!

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