
Sunday, September 16, 2018

Abstract: The Art of Design

"Es is the most driven person I know.  In fact, she's so driven that her imagination needs its own chauffeur...."

A must-see: the first episode of Abstract (Netflix)....

The artist, Es Devlin, is brilliant, turning stages for concerts and plays into amazing canvases of light and music and color.

To be inside the mind of one passionate artist is its own museum exhibit in this documentary! I'm fascinated by the breadth of her knowledge of her own and others' art forms and the skill with which she builds mesmerizing spaces for "ten thousand people to watch one human" on a stage.

What she designs and builds isn't going to last forever--one day, four days, four years: "In the end, everything's going to exist only in the memories of people."

Building a cardboard stage set with children and recalling her love of making as a child: "If I made a beautiful object, it was the most important use of my time."

                                               Es Devlin

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