
Friday, September 14, 2018

The Florence of bodily aches has hit landfall in my hands and arms and back and shoulders and I have absolutely nothing to do for a full week, so I plan to retire to my bed for as long as it takes to get all better.

This condition, when it lands, gives me a lot more  compassion for people who live with chronic pain.  Fortunately for me, mine is not chronic.  In fact, three friends have asked if it might be set off by mold allergies--and indeed it's been raining a lot lately, so it could be. Kate just gave me a week's worth of Zirtech and homemade beans and cornbread, so I'm settling in for a day of rest and deliciousness.

Elena asked yesterday, "Can kids get that?" when she saw me walking around like a crab.

"No," I said.

"Well," she said hopefully--with her best six-year-old's empathy.  "Sometimes at gymnastics, my hands do hurt a little bit when I'm trying something new.  Let's watch something funny and see if that helps."

So we watched something funny.

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