
Friday, September 14, 2018

Maria Kalman's book,  My Favorite Things, makes me want to make a list of my own before reading hers, but I did peek into the opening chapter:

Asked to curate an exhibit at the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum in New York City, she browsed their archives for a year or so.

"The pieces that I chose were based on one thing only--a gasp of delight."

"Isn't that the only way to curate a life?  To live among things that make you gasp with delight?"

Yes yes yes!

In chapter one, she enumerates a few things that make her gasp with delight, including:

Picnics, sandwiches with hard-boiled eggs and cucumbers, flip-flops, sheets and pillowcases drying on the clothesline, books and chairs, violins and pianos, hairspray, cigarettes, pens, love letters, poems, paint rags, useless and precious objects....

What things make you gasp with delight?

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