
Friday, September 7, 2018

Liz The Dog

Elena wrote her first story on the keyboard--and all I did was spell out words for her.

"I like to put two spaces between each word," she said.

"You're the writer, you can put as many spaces as you like," I said.

"Why do they put a red line under cousin?"

"Because you accidentally pressed Y instead of U," I said.

It was fascinating to watch the process of writing: Is it capital or lower case?  Do I write this on the same line as the one before or make a new line?  Do I put a dot at the end now?  I want to use an exclamation mark to say it like this: She heard a HOWL!

When she was finished, she was so excited she screeched!  "I did it, I did it, I made a story!"

Then: "I wish my daddy could see this!"

So we emailed it to Daddy.

Then: "Now let's send it to Mommy!"

So we emailed it to Mommy.

"You want to print it now so we can see it on paper?"

When it came out of the printer, she was thrilled!

"Tomorrow can we make a whole book of stories?"

About that time we heard the sound of an incoming message from Daddy:

Tell her we love Liz the dog, but not nearly as much as we love Elena the girl. Thank you Sweet Potato!!!

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