
Sunday, August 9, 2020

I'm getting to feel quite at home in the casita, cozy as a bug in a Turkish rug.

I've spent this week-end working on a little art project.  I threw away my first five or six efforts, overwrought as they were, but finally it's taking wings and I don't want to stop.  

That and some phone calls and a long texting session with Elena and watching some movies--it's been a good and relaxing weekend.  

"I can't wait to see you and hug you!" I said to Elena.

"Daddy said we can't because of this stupid virus," she wrote back.

Then she said she had to take a shower.  "Don't forget to wash your knees and elbows," I said.

She immediately fired back with an emoji of a face with one raised eyebrow: 🤨 --as if to say "Whaaaaat?" 

"I'm laughing," I said.  "I can just see your face doing that."

To which she sent me a quick selfie doing the same face:

This girl is hilarious, even in texts!
She can imitate an emoji!

Goodnight, Sweet Girl!
You made my day!

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