
Saturday, August 29, 2020

Saturday 3:15 a.m. to 5:30ish

The moon is egg-shaped, golden, magical. 

Tired as I was, I couldn't sleep--even after some artsy videos and milk--so I took a drive and had myself a little moon party.  I highly recommend the night world, though it doesn't do a great deal toward making me perky in the morning. (I've put up a do-not-disturb sign on my door and hope to sleep til noon!) 

I'm trying to be positive after the wreckage of the last week. But I couldn't get it off my mind: what if the detestable current occupant of the White House got a second term? then what?  Who are these people (90% of his party, I heard) who still approve of him in spite of his showing us who he is for nearly four interminable years, who is taking us to climate and health catastrophes by his focus on himself? 

I was feeling the weight of all these things as I drove down Austin Highway.  The moon fixed nothing, but it was a quiet and beautiful balm in the darkness. 

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