
Saturday, August 15, 2020

Being adorable

It's hot in Texas. Dry. Intolerable unless you're swimming in a river or lolling about in air conditioning. 

Which is why I love night hours.  It's cool in the casita, sweet, filled with memories of writing groups and friends and good conversations.   It's also filled with art supplies, almost as if I had planned on an extended time of isolation.  

Like me, everyone I know is riding his or her own roller coaster of emotional ups and downs, energy pops alternating with fatigue; happiness fading into the blues and back again....

The battery in my car died, so I was grounded until Carlos bought and installed a new battery, now I'm ready to go, just don't have viable options for destinations.  

I had a delicious dinner next door tonight.  Jan and I decided to get lasagne and pizza from Sorentos and sit at opposite ends of her long table for a rare shared dinner.  

I end the day--as I often do-- savoring reports from Will about Elena: 

Elena was invited to a birthday party of three today--one cousin, one friend.  She was thrilled to be picked as the "friend."   To top it off, the birthday girl announced, "We're not having a birthday cake, we're having donuts."  Elena said, "This is going to be the best party ever!"  [If you ever want enthusiasm personified at your party, Elena's your girl.]

"I always have good friends my age," she told her dad.  "But girls a little bit older don't want to be my friends."

"But you have a lot of grown up friends," Will said.

"Yeah," she said, "because I'm a little girl and I'm....[here she paused to imitate adults] adorable!

Let's all be adorable in the eyes of those who want to be our friends.  

Let's all see our friends as adorable!

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