
Sunday, December 20, 2020

Air Plants

 Carolyn inspired me to have a go at raising some air plants.  I already had the perfect parking space for them--I'd bought these vases once when Betty and I were in the North Georgia mountains and it was filled with bright red poppies.

Air plants are curious little dudes.  They like a misting every week or so, but they get their nutrients from the air around them. 

According to the internet:  

"Tillandsias  (air plants) are tropical plants that usually live for several years and will bloom and produce flowers only one time during their lifetime. The flowers are striking and brilliantly colored, and the bloom period will last several days to many months, depending on the species."

I found mine at Evergreen's and HEB, but I just now discovered you can get a ten-pack for $29 at Amazon, FYI. 

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