
Sunday, December 20, 2020

Free and Practically-Free Online Classes in Everything

I know I have mentioned Lyn Belisle's Online classes before, but it may be time for a tiny refresher.

Lyn's classes

Lyn lives and teaches right here in San Antonio.  Before COVID, I took two of her classes in person at her studio.  I liked them very much, but my learning style is such that I prefer online classes for a variety of reasons:

1. You can watch them any time you like and as many times as you like.

2. Lyn's classes are like personal tutorials and every single class is excellent and packed with information and extras and examples.  She teaches all these new-to-me things at a pace that feels like you're sitting down with a friend who's showing you exactly what to do, step by step.

3. These classes are very affordable--compared to similar classes you can find online.

4. Lyn is amazingly generous.  Not only does she give you everything you need, she directs you to other sites where you can get even more information and also free images--sites like Unsplash. 

The class I am beginning in the middle of this night is Photoshop Elements.  First, I bought the program (Adobe was running a sale and may still be), then I bought the class--for $29.

I've bought and enjoyed several of her classes, so I already know it's going to be exactly what I need: a class for beginners. 

If you're looking for classes in cooking or gardening or biking, I can't help you.

But if you're looking for classes in mixed media, watercolor, or gel printing, I can share my finds with you.  At the top of my list are any classes taught by Lyn.

You Tube is a great place to discover teachers in any subject.  Most of the experienced teachers there (you'll soon note that not all teachers are equally adept at teaching) will provide links to their websites and paid classes.  After you watch all their YouTube videos, you'll know if the teacher is a fit for you. 

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