
Friday, August 28, 2015

Hierarchy of the Birds

Early in the morning, the yard fills with sweet sparrows.  They know how to take turns and no one bullies anyone else.  They have themselves a nice breakfast of seeds and enjoy the spray of the sprinkler.

Then up comes the cocky cardinal and takes over, doesn't even invite his lady friend or buddies from the trees down the street.  He swoops in and makes a menacing gesture with his face and all the meek little sparrows fly away in a great big sweep of gray.

A couple of the braver ones peck around below the feeder for droppings from above, but they know who's boss in the neighborhood.

Finally, the dove, who's been caging the joint for a day without coming in for food, sails in like he owns the place.  He shakes his feathers and off flies the cardinal, just like the sparrows before him back when he was boss.

I'd like to know how doves got such a good reputation.  Birds of peace and all.

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