
Sunday, August 2, 2015

Sunday School #2

"I see the moon
and the moon sees me...."

When the moon is full, or barely waxing or waning, I sleep Moon-fully.  That is to say: not very long at a time.

A dear friend of mine said last night, "I am gratitude waiting to happen."

For some reason, I have been making mental lists this week of all the people I love, friends who are here, who have moved away, or who live in different states--like Nellie, who just officially retired yesterday from college teaching.  Reunions with special people after a break, sometimes of years. My family.  A young man at McDonalds who gives me free drinks and then says, "Bye, Sweetheart!" Every member of writing groups, past and present.

I won't publish that list here, but I'll just say: People make up almost my entire gratitude list--though this week I'll also have to add the arrival of my new Nikon and all the different visual possibilities  that come with a new camera.

Since I was up until 2:00 reading The Signature of All Things, I had hoped to sleep late,  but it didn't happen. So I'm going to curl back up in bed and take an early nap, continue reading, and refresh myself for this afternoon's writing group.

Here are three more sites you might like:

If you like to do photography,  check out:

At Printstagram, you can print tiny square pictures (2 x 2) from the photos in your phone or computer.  I got a stack of them yesterday (48 for $15) and they are absolutely beautiful. Or you can order tiny books or posters--all kinds of treasures!

Another artsy site/blog/class location is called Dirty Footprints. You can Google it and  find videos, or you can start here: This is a site that sends subscribers daily spiritual lessons--and Barbel shared today's with me, the topic being "the importance of forgiveness."

Happy Sunday, Everybody!

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