
Sunday, August 2, 2015

Lesson #4: Take on Challenging Friendships

"Relationships that push your buttons can teach you something."

"A soulmate is the person who's gotten the chance to see something real about you.  You risked; you bared ugliness; you forged a bond.  This friendship becomes something more lasting than a superficial thing."

"You try to master your life by keeping information from others, but you end up feeling frayed and frightened."

I (and everyone I know) has had the experience of "breaking up with" a friend or partner.  It's wonderful when that break up ends and the friendship begins again, usually on a different or stronger footing.

"There are some friends you can call your friends even after there's been a substantial spatial or emotional distance.  They're internalized voices, so in some sense, they're inseparable from yourself.  From my personal experience, I know these can be tense relationships.  Sometimes I need to yell and get away from them for years.  But these friends color my memories and sense of self.  What you've shared are the most meaningful memories you've got.  After the air settles, these people are also the ones who understand your obsessions or humor."

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