
Thursday, August 20, 2015

Nathan's First Street Rod

Last night, Mike and I made a little booklet to go with Nathan's "First Street Rod" made by Mike for him.  He listed all the things he wanted Nathan to learn about his new machine.

To inspire him further, I attached a picture of "Mike's Last Street Rod"--and I could tell that it made Mike sad to write the word, last. Building cars and other road machines has been such a part of his life since the age of ten!  I told Mike this was a kind of passing of the torch to another little boy who loves road machines and building things.

Since Nathan had specifically requested a "Go Cart," I was a little worried that he might be disappointed that Mike had made something that didn't match his picture of speeding down the road, low to the ground.

But there was no need to worry.  He loved it!  He hung on to every word about how to work the parts, and he rode all around the yard, driving very carefully, with a big smile on his face.  Mike had insisted that he wasn't old enough for a go-cart, and that this starter rod was just right for an eight-year-old.  Before lunch, the two of them were sitting at the table together, Nathan drawing his ideas for customizing it.

Talking to Yancey, the horse

Scratchy, the goat, loved being scratched by Mike--
as all animals do.
He hopped right in Mike's truck.


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