
Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Day 21

It's a beautiful day outside, and I plan to spend some time in the fresh air after my nap.

My one outing of the day (this Freda's birthday) was to drive to HEB in Helotes. Will shopped for me, and we kept our six-foot distance while he loaded my trunk.  Then--thanks to Jackson's recommendation, and wearing the flannel mask Jan made for me--I went to the auto parts store and got a box of latex gloves.

We're all helping each other in any ways we can, feeling helpless when we can't, and doing the best we can to get through these days.

Thanks for the glam mask, Jan!

My sweet son, always cheerful and positive

I feel a heaviness today. We see people doing well during and after the virus, like Chris Cuomo, and we hear of recoveries, but I'm feeling sad today for all the families who are losing loved ones to this brutal pandemic.

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