
Saturday, April 4, 2020

Day 24

I love the sound of rain!

In an email this morning, Beverly mentioned that Larry was making homemade chili for supper. Larry is an excellent cook and I'm quite sure their chili is going to be delish!  Ever since reading her email, the word "chili" kept rumbling intrusively through my mind, so I just went through the drive-through at Wendy's and got me some. It was--as I have to say--pretty darned good.

I packed up a small box of art supplies from my stash and wrapped them up to send to Day as Happy Mail whenever I decide to go to the post office past hours and use their machine to mail it.

I love my scattered tribe of family and friends, the way they pop in with texts and emails to share
stories, information, humor, and hope.

I love my five friends whose birthdays fell in a cluster these past two weeks, today being Lorraine's.  Happy Birthday, Lorraine!  On the other side of this, we will never take for granted the pleasure of having birthday lunches with our friends.

I love naps, music, NPR, writing on the blog, working on my small book about solitude in a pandemic, rubber stamps, You Tube tutorials, stencils, emails, cell phones, cheese, chili and poetry.

And today, I love Elena's  painting of a guitar:

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