
Sunday, October 20, 2013

Breaking my own rule: not to backtrack.

And remembering another: Don't surrender a trip to a GPS!  You might as well be married to an Operation Haul-Ass driver.  Yes, it gets you there faster, but seldom is the fast route worth the ride.  No more adventures?  No more scenic byways?  Just dessert?

Our Lady got me almost back to Highway 5 last night, but all I see on this route is more desert all the way home.

Thanks to emails from my band of travel advisors in Southern California, and the prospect of seeing some or all of them near LA, I'm thinking a little back tracking never hurt anybody.

I will stop saying bad things about Motel Sixes.  The man who owns this one is from India and very knowledgeable about routes from here to anywhere.  He just explained to me what Highway 5 is going to look like: "Exactly like this for many miles," he said, "Nothing else."

So here I go: backtracking 40 minutes to 101 and down the coast line again!


This route feels like a neighborhood I know now, at least a little bit--and I'm looking forward to seeing it one more time before I hit the long endless stretch of Highway 10 into Texas.

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