
Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Day 14


"Oh dear God, I hate this isolation!  But it will be, hopefully, short, and then life will go on.  Perhaps when it goes on, it will be at a graceful pace, in gratitude for the little things we’ve so taken for granted over our lives — friends, freedom, abundance, health, peace, rest without fear...."

(Jan Schubert Norris via email this morning)


I drove to Urth Juice today with the intention of getting myself and Will a juice--and deliver his to the fire station on West Avenue.  Urth Juice is open for curb service.  (Due to the virus, they are not able to take empty bottles and the owner said they were probably going to have to move to plastic containers.)

Kate called and informed me that we're not supposed to drive around; we're only allowed to go to grocery stories and pharmacies, etc.  So I got the juice, then came back home.

Besides, Will said--chillingly to his mom--that they are "pretty high risk" over at the station, so I should leave it on his car.

I worry for our first responders, health care workers, grocery clerks, anyone whose work requires them to be up close to people while the rest of us are able to stay in our houses.

I hope I remember, after all this is over, to verbalize my gratitude to the people who go out on limbs for all of us.


Before Mario Cuomo, I was not particularly political.  But he, the Governor of New York, woke me up and inspired me. What a passionate man, a man who spoke eloquently and poetically, a man whose Convention speech I included in my syllabus that year for my students as an example of powerful rhetoric, along with Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream" speech.

Mario would be proud of his son, Andrew, the current governor of New York, who is handling this crisis as a President should be handling it.

This morning he quoted his father, Mario:

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