
Thursday, March 12, 2020

Two in the Morning

In addition to a few long-term projects, I'm  making envelopes out of magazine pages and a botanical book I found at Boysville. The paper used in old books is sturdier than newer books and works great for paper crafts.

However, I'm making them in bed, the reason being that a big ole possum was just outside my back door when I was ready to return the casita.  I rattled my critter-scarer and turned on the light, but neither fazed the little guy.

I have nothing against opossums, but I don't like looking at them due to their resemblance to rats, which bless their hearts, they can't help.  So I turned on MSNBC to catch up with the coronavirus information and made envelopes in bed.

I had bought a book at Dollar Tree to alter.  This process involves gluing pages together and doing designs and collages on the thickened pages. I also liked that the word on the spine of the hard-cover book was Happiness.  I thought I'd read a few pages before destroying the book for my project.

But I couldn't stop reading.  The memoir by Heather Harpham called The Crooked Little Road to Semi-Ever After Happiness, hard back, priced at $27.00--how did such a good book wind up in the Dollar Tree?

Not everything can be figured out at 2:00 in the morning, so I'll just keep reading.

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