
Friday, March 20, 2020

Day 9

I'm okay with solitude, even enjoy it--unless it starts stretching out too long.

I've moved a few art supplies back to the kitchen, and my body pains have vanished.

What I'm noticing most of all is the need to connect with our friends and family.  Life is precious and we want to make sure everyone we care about is fine.  We want to glean wisdom and insight from each other, too, as well as humor in these strange days.

I've never been one for Facebook, but I'm moving in now--and it's wonderful to see what people are making and doing, photography of flowers and grandchildren, and people offering free concerts. I listen every day to my friend Suzanne's daily updates on the virus from a nurse's perspective. We all want to contribute something to us all.

Whatever used to separate people from each other has vanished.  We will probably all have plenty of time to get annoyed with people later, but right now, nothing much matters besides knowing our quirky selves and their quirky selves are okay.

As I watch movies, I see people hugging and walking side by side companionably, or talking over tables in cafes.  And already, after only a week, I think, "Oh, remember?  That's how it used to be!"

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